Playful Leopard Attempts to Steal Photographer’s Camera

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In today’s world, everyone seems to want a piece of the selfie trend – including leopards. A young female leopard nearly succeeded in stealing a photographer’s camera while trying to snap a selfie.

Shannon Benson, a wildlife photographer, was capturing images of the playful leopard in South Africa when the animal started toying with her camera.

Spot the selfie-snapper: Shannon takes pictures of the female leopard. Source: Rex/Mirror

The leopard and her sister were orphaned after their mother’s tragic death but were fortunately rescued and raised with some human interaction. This explains the young leopard’s friendly behavior towards Shannon.


The Australian photographer took a few close-up shots of the leopards before they grew older and their behavior became more unpredictable. In one heartwarming image, the leopard can be licking Shannon’s hair as she snaps photos.

I’m off to hunt, but first….let me take a selfie: The leopard tries to pinch the camera. Source: Rex/Mirror

Shannon shared her experience: “They were already quite cheeky, and she was swatting the camera and trying to take it off me. I was shooting with a wide-angle lens, so she was only centimeters from my face.”

Now adults, the leopard sisters have been relocated to a nearby conservation center with ample space to roam and explore.

Purr-fect: The leopard is friendly towards Shannon as she takes pictures. Source: Rex/Mirror
Feline fine: The leopard gives Shannon a quick lick. Source: Rex/Mirror
She just loves the camera: The leopard comes within centimeters of the lens. Source: Rex/Mirror

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