Unveiling the serenity behind the might, this unique documentation of lions reveals a softer side of these fearsome creatures as they find solace in sleep, undeterred by the presence of a camera.
Photographer Carl Stovell shot this series of striking photos featuring the majestic lions at the Wildlife Heritage Foundation located in Kent.
The formidable carnivores showcased an unexpected blend of grace and power, becoming the epitome of beauty and intimidation all at once.
Far from being disturbed by the camera, the lions embraced it. Tossing their manes, grooming themselves, and even offering a powerful stare for the camera, they played along with the photographer’s desires.
One lion, named Tiny, confidently strolled around his habitat before retiring for a well-deserved nap, giving Stovell some incredible shots.
“Lions are well-known for their leisurely lifestyle, often resting around 20 hours daily. I patiently waited for my moment, and Tiny surprised us all with his catwalk performance,” Stovell, hailing from York, Yorkshire, commented.
Tiny, an impressive specimen measuring four feet high and eight feet long, is one of three brothers at the wildlife center.
His playful nature and majestic presence have earned him admiration and affection from photographers all over the UK.
Stovell shared his experience: “When one of the brothers began wandering his favorite territory, I knew I was in for a treat.
Observing a creature as immense and powerful as Tiny up close was an unforgettable experience. I needed to remember to photograph these moments rather than stand in awe.”
Predominantly nocturnal, lions are known to sleep or rest for about 20 hours a day due to their limited stamina.
This rest is vital as lions are known to launch their attacks with sudden bursts of high speed and prefer to be close to their prey before they strike.
Utilizing the cover of darkness or their natural camouflage, they usually make their kills at night.
Read more Wildlife News.